Ready to Share…. Or so I thought!

I was delighted to attend Bob Redding’s Silver Medal Award Ceremony last week for a couple of reasons: Bob is a friend of 35 years and his event would be my first real leap to Facebook and Instagram at the same time!
First of all, you should know that the “Silver Medal Award” is recognition not given lightly or often by chapters of the American Advertising Federation (AAF). Bob was honored by the AAF’s Corpus Christi Chapter for his contributions to the local advertising industry and his past leadership and dedication to the organization. Bob has traveled the globe providing both design and photography work for a number of (largely industrial) clients. Many of them were attending, as well, to bear witness to his creativity, professionalism and, most of all, his friendship.
I’ve known Bob for over 35 years as a world-class photographer, have worked with him on client projects, and even rented office space in his office/studio (on a smile and a shake) when I first decided to go solo. Back then, Bob’s studio was a hive of activity and, sometimes, storage for his eclectic collections of any and everything. I witnessed Bob singing the praises of all types of cameras… from those I couldn’t even spell to Polaroid… and, now, all things digital!
AAF prepared a most fitting video tribute including interviews from many of us. As a past Silver Medal Winner (by the way, I’m fairly certain I received the award for siring three female advertising professionals), I was anxious to join the local advertising brethren in welcoming Bob among us. Since the video required some photos from the “Bob times”, it hit me… He was the photographer, not us. Many of us resorted to exploring dusty boxes of long-put-away photos for any prints… quite a testimony to our chronicles of the past. Remember purchasing film and loading it into the camera, then waiting a week for development and printing?
Before I digress further, suffice it to say I felt prepared to share the fun and festivity as it happened and to find my own inner “photog”…ready to snap some clever photos from my new extra-smart, smart phone accompanied by my (self-perceived) witty banter.
However, after exchanging hellos with new and old friends and arriving at my table for the festivity’s commencement, my teachable moment had arrived! I reached into my coat pocket only to find an old airport Starbuck’s receipt instead of my phone.
A professional like Bob Redding would never allow that to happen, so I will eagerly await the next opportunity (it could be anytime, now) and remember this rule: Make sure you have your smartphone… or you’ll miss your “Kodak Moment”!